Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Return of... Survival Pilot! (And Other Such Projects)

Holy crap it's been a long time since I have posted anything here. Perhaps that's because I have busy occupied with other things, like work, and school, and what-not. Now I am finished with school, and I am searching for a full-time job. I have been working as an adjunct at some local colleges. Once I find a full-time position I will be more available to record and hopefully perform, again.

With some Christmas money, I bought an audio interface for my computer. This makes it easier to record, and record more high quality material. I have more or less figured it out, as well as the recording software, Ableton Live Lite, which I actually have had for a while but have never really used because I could never really get it to work before now. It might only be the bare bones version, but, quite frankly, that's all I need for my purposes, since I am recording with live instruments and vocals. In short, I am really upping the quality of my recordings, and I can't wait to get some stuff down, so that I can share it with you all!

I do have an album to record. The lyrics/concept/melodies are all pretty much written--I just need to figure out the music, which I do as I go along. I am also now in a band, which I hope to record. That is actually my main musical project, and you will probably be hearing more about it over time. These guys are my musical soul brothers, and sometimes when we are playing, I get chills. Maybe it's because we have been playing together for such a long time, but we have some real chemistry together.

Anyways, if I have a New Year's Resolution, it is to devote more of my creative energy on music. Maybe I am just burned out on writing, or maybe this was my first love, and my romance with it is rekindling. Anyways, as I have grown older, and become a better musician, I have realized that I get far more enjoyment of it than I do writing. That is not to say that I don't love writing, and won't continue doing it, but I feel like this is a more rewarding way to spend my free time. I can just let go, and play, and express myself.

It will probably be a while before I have anything to share, but just know that I have plans in the works, and that when I am ready, you will hear it.

Friday, August 8, 2014


I have plans to begin recording a new album very soon. This one might take a while as I plan on taking my time and doing it right. Anyways, I will keep you updated as recording commences and progresses. I have not set a release date yet.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Facing the Muzak

While it is certainly fun to go into recording with no ideas and just feelings and just playing what comes out and seeing what happens, I am leaning towards going back to my roots and really thoroughly writing each part of each song and generally recording what I write, and letting the creativity come in the writing process and devoting recording time to making each part of each song sound its best.  I believe I have reach a point in my ability level (well, I am out of practice, a bit, so with a little practice and getting back to focusing on music as my main hobby, since, well, it is more therapeutic and right now that's what I need) where I can write a part to a song and then play it how I write it.

I have three albums where I have written the lyrics and the basic guitar parts which I have to work from and improve upon, and a fourth that I have written the lyrics to and know basically where I want to go with it, so I have no shortage of material available.  I feel like I should devote some time to each one and see where I can take these ideas, and what ideas they might spark as I work on them and record them, one song at a time, one album at a time, until I am spent.

I have spent the last several years devoted to getting enough schooling to get a decent job, and I think I have reached the point where I can say that I have enough to get a job that pays well enough that I don't have to worry about money so long as I focus on the job when it is necessary and have time to devote to my own interests and my wife, my family, and friends.  Working in the food industry or in retail sales just doesn't cut it, and I believe I am a good enough writer that I can mold myself to be proficient at whatever writing-related job that I can get.  Right now I just have to sell myself as somebody versatile and capable.  I certainly have enough schooling and varied work experience.  

So long as I can devote the rest of my time to the things that I truly care about and that truly matter, that's all that's important.  Rather than trying to make a living at my dreams, I am going to make my dreams a reality by making a living at something else and actually participating in my dreams the rest of the time.  If music and other forms of creative self expression, particularly writing, are the main activities that fill me with passion, then does it really matter whether I do them as a hobby or as a career so long as I can do them and enjoy doing them?  I don't think it really makes a difference.  If one truly enjoys something, then the doing of them is all that really matters, and the time that one gets to spend doing them needs to be focused on and appreciated to the fullest when one is able to partake in them.

Music is one such hobby for me.  The act of creating music is enough for me, and it is something I intend to devote time to doing no matter what.  While I might not have lived that long or be that wise, I realize that most of life is pure nonsense and bullshit and the less you worry about the nonsense and bullshit of life and just focus on the things that make you happy, then the happier you will be.  If happiness is the objective then that is the surest way to the goal.  After all, I might have to perform a task for someone else as the means to make money, that does mean that has to be the most important thing in my life.  That doesn't mean that I won't put my full effort into it when I am doing it, either.  I believe one can lead a complex, multi-faceted existence.  

If you can compartmentalize your life and focus on what you are doing in the present, then you will succeed just simply because you are focusing on what you are doing when you need to be focusing on it and not worrying about the rest.  Of course, this is an ideal, and it never works as perfectly as I am describing, that doesn't mean that I should abandon it.  There is no way to live a completely ideal life.  Life isn't ideal.  You are only one consciousness connected to a network of infinite consciousnesses.  You can only control what is happening to you in the present, and hope that what you are doing is going to lead you to meeting the goals that you have set for yourself.  Some people devote all their time to one particular goal, but that is not for me.

If I have to compartmentalize my life and be many different people under one person, then that is who I am going to be and what I am going to do.  If this is the way that I choose to live my life, people can try to stop me, but that doesn't mean they will.  I can be pretty stubborn when I set my mind to something.

Music will always be an important part of my life, and I hope that I can pass my love of it to my children, as my parents and family and friends have passed it onto me.  In a lot of ways, that is what my novel is about: doing something for the love of it and not to impress others.  In my opinion, you should always pursue the things that you love.  I love music.  So be it.  So it is.  So I play, write, and record, and hopefully share my love with others.  Right now, that's what matters.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


First post of 2014!  Huzzah!  It's only... April.  Shit.  Not too much has been happening for me, musically, as school and what-not has kind of gotten in the way.  Life.  Don't you hate that?  Anyhoo...  I have been getting the itch.  That itch that I can't scratch except by making the music happen.  As school draws to a close, and I begin looking for a job, hopefully I will have more time to put to this whole thing.  It is looking pretty good, quite frankly.  If I can get a decent job, I might even have a little money to put into it for some new equipment, from time to time.  That is the dream, isn't it?  It is for me.  Writing and playing and recording and just getting creative and seeing what happens.  Self-expression is an amazing thing!  I hope to go in a lot of different directions and see what happens.  I don't want to be pinned down as this or that particularly, not that anyone is really paying attention.  That is the thing about complete or almost-complete obscurity: it allows me the freedom to do what the hell I want.  That is conducive to experimentation and outside-the-box thinking, in particular.  My goal is to hide some diamonds among Internet trash and to see who might be sifting through the world wide dumpster, looking for treasure.  Hopefully this that is trash to many is treasure to someone.  It is to me, at any rate, and I guess that is all that matters, otherwise I wouldn't continue doing it.  I feel like the ultimate judge of something that is truly artistic is whether the artist is willing to continue doing it whether or not anyone else notices.  It is not about putting up a billboard and making a scene, it's about creativity and self-expression.  Thinking about putting together some Youtube videos of my music--although, I am a bit hesitant as well.  It might help me get my music out to more people, but, then again, there are a lot of dumb people on the internet, and I don't really need their trolling in my life.  I already subject myself to it enough.  Part of me thinks that I will be happier not trying to get more people listening, that this is not about that.  I don't know.  We'll see what happens.