Sunday, April 19, 2015

LINER NOTES: A Man of Wealth & Taste

So, as you probably noticed, yesterday I released a single track called "A Man of Wealth & Taste," which will also be on my upcoming album, (tentatively) Propaganda Machine.

As you have probably also noticed, my music has changed since you last heard it. If anything, this is a return to form for me after many years of experimentation.

I used to be in some alternative rock bands, and I enjoy writing songs this way. In many ways, I feel free within the simplicity of the form that I am using that it still provides for a lot of possibilities for experimentation, especially as a recording engineer/producer of the music.

My equipment has gotten far better over the years--although it is still far from professional. That doesn't matter. I don't need to manipulate the sound as much as people who do more mainstream yet of music. It also allows me to hold onto that punk/underground aesthetic that I used to be so important to me.

Authenticity is still pretty important, but I feel more freedom within what I feel as being authentic to me so that I can really try more things and experience more in different ways.

Basically, anything is fair game for me, because I just love making music. If making music is the goal, then that makes the decision making process a whole lot easier.

This time around I am focusing more on the songs, like I used to do when it was primarily just me and an acoustic guitar. I am also spending more time on getting my recordings to actually sound good. That is also very important to me.

It is going to take a while for me to record, instead of a few days or even a few weeks, I am going to take months, maybe even years, to get it together. Okay, probably not years, but, then again, it took Boston like seven years to record More Than a Feeling, and that is a pretty well-written, well produced album.

That is too excessive for me, but I don't plan on releasing anything unless I am satisfied with how it sounds.

That's why I decided to go ahead and release "A Man of Wealth & Taste."

For me, it is a complete song where all the elements came together fairly well. The lyrics started out very different from the ones that I sang, but as I was recording it, these lyrics came to me and I thought fit the name better (which they do). 

The lead guitar part is actually looped a little, and the solo, which I pulled out of my ass, is pretty fantastic. The bass is okay, and the duel rhythm guitar parts have a nice effect together, hovering just under the lead part, giving the whole song this sort of fuzzy, echoy ambiance. 

The drums sound pretty good, although I would change them if I re-record it, which I would like to do with a live band. 

In that situation, I would take a trip over to my pals in Willard and we would hammer it out over a night and then try to record the basic track. Then, after getting that, I could find a good place with lots of natural echo to overdub the vocals and the solos. For the solo, I might plug my guitar through a light distortion petal through the Leslie on my organ, which I also need to incorporate on the album more. That would sound cool.

I know Josh has some songs that we could put down. I really think we should combine our efforts and record an album together. Also bring Adam into the fold, as he knows a lot about music and is a fairly fantastic songwriter himself. The hard part would be getting Brandon there, as well. The four of us together could make a pretty kick ass album.

We would each contribute, say, three songs, but we would each practice and record like double that, and then we would choose the best ones from each person.

I at least want to record the album with an actual drum set as opposed to a drum machine, even if that means that I have to buy one, learn to play it, and do it all myself. I would like to do that anyways, but that could still be a couple years down the road yet before that happens.

Well, no matter what, I suppose, it will get made with whatever I have available.